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New User

User: New User

Date: 02/09/2025



Wage Pathways

Are you new to the workforce or want to make a change? Let us help you advance your career!
Please answer a few questions below about your current job and we'll help you figure out what the best job for you is next!

Your Current Job

Note: you have to make a selection from the dropdown
Sorry, You've entered a job title that does not match our database. Please choose one from the Dropdown

Pay Grade 1

New occupations with the pay range {{grade1PayRateDisplay}}. Select a new occupation and click "CONTINUE".

Work Setting: {{selectedWorkSettingDisplay}}
{{occupation.EducationLevel}} {{occupation.WorkField}}



Pay Grade 2

New occupations with the pay range {{grade2PayRateDisplay}}. Select a new occupation and click "CONTINUE".

Work Setting: {{selectedWorkSettingDisplay}}
{{occupation.EducationLevel}} {{occupation.WorkField}}



Wage Pathway Summary

Way to go! Below is your current Wage Pathway!

Work Setting: {{selectedWorkSettingDisplay}}
(Occupation has no skills available)
(Occupation has no skills available)
(Occupation has no skills available)

Wage Pathway Summary

Way to go! Below is your current Wage Pathway!

You have deleted all saved Wage Pathways

If you decided to save a new Wage Pathway just click on the button below
You have reached your limit of pathways.
Work Setting: {{pathway.WorkSettingDisplay}}

Wage Pathway {{$index + 1}}

(Occupation has no skills available)
(Occupation has no skills available)
(Occupation has no skills available)
Cancel Log in Register Region Select {"jobTitle": "New Occupation","educationLevel": "Education Level","fieldOfWork": "Field of Work"} (Start typing current job title) {"name":"retrieveLookupDataFail","type":"error","title":"Error","body":"Failed to retrieve the lookup data to build the page, please try again","closeable":false} {"name":"retrieveOccupationsFail","type":"error","title":"Error","body":"Failed to occupation data to build the page, please try again","closeable":false} {"name":"noOccupationsFound","type":"info","title":"Warning","body":"No occupations were found in the systems for your search criteria. Please go back and try again."} You have reached your limit of Pathways Wage Pathways Summary Login Confirm Do you want to delete this Pathway? Email Wage Pathways I OhioMeansJobs Your Wage Pathways Thanks! Your wage pathways have been sent. An error occurred during email sending process. Please, try again later. Are you sure? OK Cancel
If you change this Work Setting, your selected Occupation, Pay Rate, and Education will need to be re-selected.
In order to create a new Wage Pathway, you will have to delete your existing saved pathway. Click on the link below to delete a saved pathway.
You have chosen to delete Wage Pathway {{pathNumToDelete}}, please confirm you want to delete this?