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Date: 03/13/2025



Ohio Lifestyle Calculator

The lifestyle calculator can be used to help you approximate your target salary based on your location and the estimated expenses of your desired lifestyle.

Lifestyle Calculator

Easy to Use

Lots of Options

Very Helpful

Select a region or Town to Get Started

Where you live will determine the cost of your expenses




Your Expenses

{{getCategoryTotalDisplay(selectedCategory) | currency}}
Total Monthly Expenses
{{getTotalExpensesDisplay() | currency}}

Adding it All Up

Based on the options you have selected, below is a breakdown of what your target salary should be to achieve your desired lifestyle. You can use the buttons below to search for jobs that match your target salary.

Use the Industry Search or Keyword Search on this page to research potential occupations that fit your budget.

If your expenses change, don't worry. You can update these amounts at any time.

Save Your Results
Log in to save your results to My Profile. Don't have an account? Register now to save your results and continue your career search.
Your Target Numbers
{{targetSalaryAbsolute | currency}}
Gross Annual Target Salary
{{totalAnnualAmountAbsolute | currency}}
Net Annual Target Salary
{{targetSalaryPerHourAbsolute | currency}}
Target Hourly Rate
Budget Breakdown
Results_Housing Results_Utilities Results_Food Results_Transportation Results_Clothes Results_Healthcare Results_Entertainment Results_Personal Care Results_Misc Results_Student Loans Results_Family Expenses Results_Savings {{category.label}}
{{category.totalSelectedAmount | currency}}
Total Monthly Expenses
{{totalMonthlyAmount | currency}}
Annual Expenses
{{totalAnnualAmount | currency}}
Taxes (15% of Total Annual Expenses)
{{totalTaxesAmount | currency}}

Hover over chart region for details.
Note the chart doesn't show categories with balances of zero or less.

Click View Jobs to search potential jobs within your Gross Annual Target Salary.
Search for Potential Careers
Type in a keyword below and click View Occupations to search for potential careers.

Please enter a keyword.
Search for Industry Information
Select an Industry below and click View Industry to search for industry specific information

Please select an industry.
Region Select Results {"name":"userDataLoadFail","type":"error","title":"Error","body":"Unable to load user's data","closeable":true} {"name":"expensesBuildFail","type":"error","title":"Error","body":"There was an error in the backend and we are unable to display the budget calculator right now, please try again later","closeable":false} {"name":"userSaveFail","type":"error","title":"Error","body":"Failed to save user's data","closeable":true} Are You Sure? Cancel OK Email Budget Summary | OhioMeansJobs An error occurred during email sending process. Please, try again later. Your Monthly Expenses Summary Thanks! Your budget summary has been sent. It seems you have not configured any budget expenses yet Are you sure? Leave Log in Register
Are you sure you wish to leave this page? Your unsaved work may be lost. To save your work, use the buttons below to register as a new user or log in to an existing account.
You have chosen a new region and your selections will be updated with new values that correspond to this region.