An official State of Ohio site. Here’s how you know

These 265 careers might be a good Industry match for:

compare select 2
Ohio Average Yearly Pay (*US average)
$107,800 - $146,440
$106,640 - $177,200
$103,050 - $130,440
$99,990 - $209,490
$99,960 - $160,630
$99,960 - $160,630
$99,960 - $160,630
$97,550 - $158,920
$97,080 - $123,850
$96,820 - $157,710
$96,600 - $167,650
$95,060 - $133,220
$95,060 - $133,220
$94,310 - $134,430
$91,500 - $162,700
$91,500 - $162,700
$91,500 - $162,700
$91,500 - $162,700
$91,500 - $162,700
$91,500 - $162,700
$88,750 - $119,250
$85,600 - $172,210
$84,680 - $95,000
$84,050 - $172,530
$83,530 - $104,420
$83,200 - $141,650
$83,200 - $141,650
$83,200 - $141,650
$83,200 - $141,650
$83,200 - $141,650
$83,200 - $141,650
$83,200 - $141,650
$83,200 - $141,650
$82,890 - $131,080
$82,890 - $131,080
$82,550 - $128,320
$82,550 - $128,320
$80,620 - $126,870
$79,440 - $141,840
$79,440 - $141,840
$78,580 - $103,740
$77,570 - $113,900
$76,760 - $91,050
$75,530 - $127,460
$75,530 - $127,460
$75,530 - $127,460
$75,530 - $127,460
$75,530 - $127,460
$75,530 - $127,460
$75,530 - $127,460

InDemand Thumbs up! InDemand occupations with a thumbs up icon are hot in Ohio.

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